
Showing posts from April, 2019

Everyday objects that make my life easier as a legally blind person

Accessibility: close-up of Antonia, who has short platinum hair and transparent plastic glass frames. She is smiling at the camera. When you have a disability, you become really good at problem-solving. Every day we encounter things that are not accessible and we have to figure out how to do them. We become really good outside-the-box thinkers and can figure out more than one use for everyday objects. Not everything I use to make my life more accessible is specific accessibility tech. There are many everyday objects that can help me have an easier life as a legally blind person. In no particular order, here are some of those objects: Duct tape: I like using bright colored duct tape to mark things or to help me find things. For example, we had a black couch and expresso colored coffee table; I could never find our remote control because it was black and it would blend in. I used some neon duct tape and put it on both sides of the remote so that it would stand out. Smart s

Don't assume...

Accessibility: Antonia poses holding her cane. She is wearing a black jumpsuit with a  polka dot and flower pattern. A jean jacket over it. There are a lot of stereotypes out there -for everyone. However, I have found that since I started using my cane, people were more vocal about things they assumed about me, or blind people in general. These are some assumptions that have been made about me at one point or other. Don't assume I am totally blind. Sure, I am using a cane, but I also have some vision. In fact, over 90% of white cane users have some remaining sight and, believe me, we use it as much as possible. Just because I am using a cane and I can see, it doesn't mean I am trying to trick you into thinking I am totally blind. My cane is a mobility tool that helps me travel safely and I am not getting any special benefits out of using it. In fact, it is very inconvenient to always have a busy hand so, trust me, if I didn't feel a need for my cane, I would